10 Totally Toptastic Things You Can Do On Twitter

1. Pay it forward.

Boost other people’s releases, gigs and events by sharing the details with your own followers. Don’t be false – only promote something if you truly like it.

2. ReTweet   RT

retweet someone else’s tweet to your friends. Spread the love!

3. #FF  ‘Follow Friday

putting the ‘Follow Friday’ hashtag at the start of a tweet you send on a Friday lets you recommend someone you find worth following: i.e. #FF @smartmusicans  #11isthemagicnumber

4. #MM ‘Music Monday’

(similar to #FF) – using the ‘Music Monday’ hashtag is a brilliant way to recommend someone’s music to your followers.

5. #nowlisteningto

Add this to a particular tune you like – great for cross promotion of other new artists you like.

6. Become a DJ on Mix Cloud or Blip FM .

You can choose any tune, including your own (occasionally mind!), or try the ‘Tweet That Tune’ iPhone app.

7. Encourage people to spread the word

Try giving away a special track using ‘Pay With A Tweet’.

8. Be a tastemaker –

Let everyone know your new discoveries and where they can hear them.

9. Ask questions –

“The first ever single I bought was……what was yours?”.

10. Make up #hashtags –

one of my fave Twitter posts was a friend saying her mum had joined Twitter with the hashtag #killmenow. (her mum is very cool BTW… but still do you want your mum reading your tweet stream ?)