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I met uber groovy Bindu Paul at a recent workshop that the Musicians Union was running.

She was very engaging and told me about a whole raft of things that the Musicians Union have as free services for their members – including advise sessions.
I have been a member for many years and although I was aware of some useful services – like the free public liability insurance there were loads of other things I didn’t know about.
So I thought it would be a good idea to invite her to a smart musicians meetup so she could tell us a little more.
She was kind enough to pop down to the smart musicians club meetup to tell us why she thinks it more important now than ever to be a member of the union.

Bindu Paul Education and Equalities Official – from the Musicians’ Union (@WeAreTheMU)

according to the Musicians Union Site this is a list of services you can access by being a member of the MU

—  Experienced staff & Officials

—  Nationwide Regional Offices

—  Dedicated helplines

—  Careers & business advice

—  Contract Advisory Service

—  Industry lists & leaflets

—  Campaigns & lobbying

—  Specialist Sections

—  Networking opportunities

—  MU website

—  Membership Directory

—  The Musician journal

—  Public Liability Insurance cover

—  Exclusive insurance schemes

—  Instrument protection

—  Health & Safety

—  Lifelong Learning

—  Courses, seminars & workshops

—  Personal injury package

—  Benevolent assistance

—  Medical hotline

—  Legal assistance

—  Partnership Advisory Service

—  Fee recovery & dispute resolution

—  Salary & rate negotiation

—  Contracts & Specimen Agreements

—  Consent forms

—  Rights protection

—  Media & session specialists

—  Fee collection & distribution

—  Tax Saving Guide

—  Pension schemes

—  Works Registration Service

—  MU Diary

—  Discount schemes

—  MU merchandise